
Image here is only a pretext to ask your help. Because I'm confused. And a bit tired and tipsy. Because I don't know where the fuck I'm going. With photography of course.

My goal is filling the walls of my darkroom. And right before my death, I will burn everything. And right before burning, I will die. As my death will precede the death of my last photograph. And my last photograph I will burn first, and my first I will burn last, so I will see the all my life before my eyes.

What do I have to say* ?
Should I say it ?
How to say it ?
If I say it will anybody care ?
If anybody will care, should I care ?

*say can also be replaced with show

Old questions. No new answers.

Can anyone help me ? I'm a bit confused lately.


Natalia said...

I guess it's that last moment, the life you see before your eyes. We may not live to tell the story of our lives (as Marquez said), but a story is written anyway and we all have to be face to face with it at some point. And it's in that final, crucial moment that you find out and it's in that point that it doesn't matter anymore.

What do you have to say? If you could only say all the unspoken I've seen through you...

Should you? Should anyone?

How do you say it? Loud and clear.

Will anyone care? I know one person.

Should you care? Depends.

I may have not been of much help, but I'm here, always.

Roxana said...

i don't know the answers to these questions, but i know one question, which is more important: can you stop?

i know i can't. and the rest suddenly doesn't matter so much any more.

adrian said...

This probably isnt something your not looking for, but....

if you get stuck with the message [your putting across] or simply run out of motivation to shoot - then just stop for a while & put the camera down. Read some books, watch some films or do some activities you don't normally do, or haven't done before.

Your work most often coincides/comes packaged up with a grand idea and social or philosophical commentary. Perhaps if you feel uncertain, try and capture the essence of uncertainty.

Or ignore it all and just take 'stills' from your very own Cartesian theatre, with no titles, no symbolism. As even ourselves don't always understand what is going on up there at times. And anyhow, a message may form in retrospect.

cm said...

Most probably none of the answers given by someone else will seem satisfactory. Cause although we might have things in common the right answer is always your own. And it changes with time.
The search is the one that matters.
And when in doubt and tired, i say you do nothing.
Don't take too long doing nothing though. :
How does The darkroom look like?

Vladimir C. said...

Natalia, yes.

Roxana, I can't stop. But if I will not enjoy it anymore ?

Adrian, you are right. I tried, but the more I stay away for it the more confused and angry I get. I need it. Can't stop, as Roxana said.
Capturing the essence of uncertainty sounds wonderful. But wouldn't that be to vague and fuzzy?

Cm: truth you spoke. It's the road, it's the learning, it's the flight. Never the destination, as there is no destination. What is the ultimate goal of art ? None.

The darkroom does not look to much, more it feels. It's like a dream, a red dream. I really think I'm on drugs in there (probably the lack of air and chemicals helps). But mostly, it's the magic in the tray. Pure creation, a small god. How can one be more high ?

ana pauper said...

move in audio spaces for a while. a rewarding dimension to be in :)

Vladimir C. said...

I'm there, always been. Any good space you recommend, but not only ballet music ?

ana pauper said...

Boards of Canada, audiobooks, radio :)
::music is math::

Vladimir C. said...

Wow, it sounds wonderful, it's so warm and... visual.

Mulțumesc mult, știam eu de ce îmi plac balerinele tale :)

Unknown said...

la fel ma simt si eu - nu am nici un drum anume, si asta ma streseaza, dar in acelasi timp, nu ma pot opri, pentru ca pur si simplu nu pot:)

ne ramine sa speram ca 'trece'...

ciresik_just4me said...

Acelasi gand... niciun rezultat....
