
I did not forget to make photography without concepts and abstract ideas.
You liked even the ones without concepts as I remember.

Can you imagine how many couples are having an orgasm at this exact moment?

because you like Amelie Poulain


Natalia said...

Oui, je l'aime. Et si tu te rappeles elle etait serveuse dans un restaurant. Pour elle la vie a une autre dimension. Et c'est dedans que je trouve les raisons de l'aimer.

Elle te ressemble.

Roxana said...

wonderful, and most unexpected :-)
games of the mind are important, i agree, but perhaps they are not everything? and perhaps a scream (of colour, too, or a whisper :-) has more truth in it, or at least says more about us as human beings - if you dislike the word 'truth' - than a concept.