Study on materials

This is one of my attempts to illustrate the irrelevance and imprecision of concepts like substance or natural (interesting article on this here). Actually, I disprove any kind of concept or theory with any exhaustively claim, but I’m sure you already know this.

Also, this follows my view that photography can be seen as a series on transformations.

First transformation is from the psychological sensations to the abstract in our mind that makes us start the material transformation by exposing the medium. The process here is obvious at the basic level.

The material transformation - from photons that are energy to the final visible image. One photon disrupts a Br electron, electron which charges a sensibility center, which will attract an Ag ion that would be neutralized to Ag atom (so Ag is transformed) by joining the same center. From this simple process, to development (where again, substances are transformed), to enlargement where other photons are transformed and are starting different processes, all for the purpose of final image. Similar things happen on digital, of course. Basically, every time we’re exposing film or sensor we are transforming the world.

After the second transformation, the third one is the transformation in the viewer. I’m not talking only about alterity, or the fragile road from the signifier to the signified as we view one’s work, I’m talking about all the transformation, including transforming your time when you decide to go to an exposition.
Photography can basically be the proof of the butterfly effect.

The abstract from the second series of transformations, by its intrinsic informational structure, cannot be exhaustive (as I said, there is no exhaustive way permitted here) - by this photography having no argument in being objective, exhaustive or “real”. Reality, at the very most, can be viewed as relations between different systems constitutive elements, that only if you insist in trust it’s existence. Transformations are never perfect, always relative and mostly, unique. As they can form concepts and abstracts, how can we have unique concepts I ask ?


This might represent a flower, flower that by definition is part of a plant – all being organic.

Also, at a first glance, these would be some heavily processed images. Knowing me, you will assume these are made on film.

Indeed, you can say they represent a flower. Not processed, these are just some simple photograms made with a plastic shower curtain on photographic paper.

Plastic becomes nature, by this destroying the simple concept of a flower. A transformation that eventually breaks what our mind takes as a give.

Where is your reality and order of things now?


Natalia said...

This is an amazing post. Not just the photograms, but the text and the journey. Reality has never seemed more flexible.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Natalia, and in the same time I'm pretty amazed how you made the link between the butterfly effect and the photography. I've never thought in that way. It really changes the view.

Roxana said...

as usual, i have a lot to comment here as well (not to mention the other replies i owe you!!!), i haven't said anything until now because i was hoping, hoping! to be able to write a more articulate answer. it is so frustrating to have so little time:-(
but i am back home now, i hope to be able to catch up a little with everything in the next days. meanwhile, an interesting read, similar to your own musings:

Anonymous said...


Vladimir C. said...

Tot la tag te referi? E greșit?

ioana said...
