
first part of like series

I'm noticing that more and more, media, currents of thought and self-helping techniques tell us to think positive, to erase all the "no" and all the negations from our behavior and way of thinking.

Facebook is one of the more obvious materialization of these ways. You have only one options in evaluating a thing one says (something): like. You can't dislike, you can't show your incertitude, it's simply the like and a fake smile. You either like, or you shut up.

The two sides are no longer created in the classical antagonism with us - against us. It's just you're with us or you don't exist.

In honor of this, this series of images (part of "the killing of symbols" project) will show the implementation of like in real world scenery.

Brave new world, I salute you again.


Natalia said...

Yes, this is the equivalent of the well known line people throw in your face when you criticize something - "if you don't like it, don't look". I remember they were thinking (I don't know if they did it or not) of making a TV channel where you pre-order the TV show you wanna watch. Sooner or later we will start surrounding ourselves with all things we like, have generators simulate our interactions with people / objects / situation according to specific parameters. You like cats and flowers and sunsets over the sea? Your new-age life will make those thing work into your life eliminating anything else that could possibly disrupt you vegetative state.

hbubur said...

Like :)

iRoshk said...

I would like to say that I like this post, but most likely, you would not like that. So, just a smiley, then.

cm said...

What do you "like" about the first picture?

Anonymous said...

brave new world I salute you too.

Irina said...

M-am gandit si eu la asta de curand...
Este asa o ironie bizara. Am postat pe fb niste fotografii facute de satul Geamana, un sat ingropat practic in steril, un sat fantoma, doar cu cativa locuitori...carora le mor vietele de la apa infectata cu diverse substante....cianura (cred). Este trist si lugrubru peisajul de acolo.Pe fb, am primit o gramada de "like-uri"...acum, da stiu...sunt ok pozele...dar parca "imi place" nu se potriveste in acest caz!

Vladimir C. said...

Thanks all.

CM, you ask me about the picture or what is in it ?

Pictures are not about what I like. I don't like garbage and I'm somehow indifferent to church, I was probably over-saturated with this kind of discussion, it's one of the biggest cliches.

cm said...

What's in it. Sorry about the incomplete question. Just trying to make a connection between the text and the things in your images you chose as representative(?).
I don't understand exactly what you mean.
I'm for individual interpretation of stuff, but sometimes i could use a hint.