365 Project still going.
My projects are this and this. After one month I realize that I'm attached to the one with yesterdays as I have a bad memory and remembering stupid small things I've seen or did every day is a nice cause.
Project main page is this one, with all the participants. Have to admit that sometimes I just improvise in the last 10 minutes of the day. I'm very busy lately, good thing is that it is not coming from my workplace (where things are pretty siga-siga).
I'm also posting a picture with a chair. Techical detalis: Holga lens, unknown f, unknown time. Delta 3200, I think.
Last year I made around 12 films in total. That is around 300 photos (some films have 12 frames). On this blog, there was only one post the whole year. Wow.
This year, I started using the digital again with the 365 projects - A tribute to like and Yesterdays.
My PC-sync to hot-shoe adapter broke. I fixed it two times, but the third I managed to break it.
I have some project ideas but no interest in doing them. Fuck it.
I hope to post more. I hope to photograph more. I hope to buy a new adapter.
Meanwhile, I'm posting a picture with N. Just to make some content. The quality is crappy as I saved and re-sized the picture many times, maybe next year I will upload the good only-one-resize versione.
Distrugere, viaţă şi suferinţă
Lucrările de mai jos explorează relaţia intimă dintre existenţă, societatea post-industrială, consumerism şi moartea prematură a unui chips, privită prin paradigma semioticii contemporane
First leaf
This is my first leaf printing, it's a text but after waiting one month and ruining a lot of them it's a small satisfaction!
Condiţia umană
Aceste creaţii seminale sunt o puternică introspecţie în universul artistitului şi o critică adusă artei devenită comoditate în societate contemporană.
:) pentru detalii, aici
The model and I
From: Model
To: Photographer
Dear photographer,
The sharp and well lit portrait you made does not says the story of my life, neither it captures my personality or mood. It's just a nice looking face.
The nude with me squirming my legs and arms in all possible places and directions, does not carry my feminine inner beauty or eroticism. It's just a nipple or piece of meat.
Photographing me in abandoned buildings will not show a beautiful thing lost in a deserted and cruel world. It's just showing you lack imagination and empathy.
You are not an artist. You're just someone who knows how to use three flashes. You don't get me, you're just photographing my face.
The model
Study on materials
This is one of my attempts to illustrate the irrelevance and imprecision of concepts like substance or natural (interesting article on this here). Actually, I disprove any kind of concept or theory with any exhaustively claim, but I’m sure you already know this.
Also, this follows my view that photography can be seen as a series on transformations.
First transformation is from the psychological sensations to the abstract in our mind that makes us start the material transformation by exposing the medium. The process here is obvious at the basic level.
The material transformation - from photons that are energy to the final visible image. One photon disrupts a Br electron, electron which charges a sensibility center, which will attract an Ag ion that would be neutralized to Ag atom (so Ag is transformed) by joining the same center. From this simple process, to development (where again, substances are transformed), to enlargement where other photons are transformed and are starting different processes, all for the purpose of final image. Similar things happen on digital, of course. Basically, every time we’re exposing film or sensor we are transforming the world.
After the second transformation, the third one is the transformation in the viewer. I’m not talking only about alterity, or the fragile road from the signifier to the signified as we view one’s work, I’m talking about all the transformation, including transforming your time when you decide to go to an exposition.
Photography can basically be the proof of the butterfly effect.
The abstract from the second series of transformations, by its intrinsic informational structure, cannot be exhaustive (as I said, there is no exhaustive way permitted here) - by this photography having no argument in being objective, exhaustive or “real”. Reality, at the very most, can be viewed as relations between different systems constitutive elements, that only if you insist in trust it’s existence. Transformations are never perfect, always relative and mostly, unique. As they can form concepts and abstracts, how can we have unique concepts I ask ?
This might represent a flower, flower that by definition is part of a plant – all being organic.
Also, at a first glance, these would be some heavily processed images. Knowing me, you will assume these are made on film.
Indeed, you can say they represent a flower. Not processed, these are just some simple photograms made with a plastic shower curtain on photographic paper.
Plastic becomes nature, by this destroying the simple concept of a flower. A transformation that eventually breaks what our mind takes as a give.
Where is your reality and order of things now?